Annotated 49-13
FB: For bonus fun, write something on the belly of the beast in panel 3 and make your own political cartoon! We’d probably go with TRUMPISM or AJIT PAI, but you could try anything, really: RACIAL HATRED, FATALISM, DISNEY-OWNED FRANCHISES.
Apparently we briefly considered having Sir Groff die in this fight…and even more briefly considered that fate befalling Auraugu. I think it was too soon for Groff, but it wouldn’t have been the worst way for Auraugu to go out after that glorious moment where his kick toppled the last of the Heads of Houses. Ultimately, we had mercy on them both: there’s another sacrifice coming up in this sequence, which feels like enough.
The blue pointy stuff on the Tarozerker is described in the script as “teeth where there should not be teeth.”
I don’t know why, but I love that this is the last we see of Mr. Bedard in the comic.
Almost makes you wonder if he was actually an NPC, and if not, who he was avatar for.
“If I don’t watch the apocalypse how will I report it? Doing something would reveal bias.”
… Heh, the alt text (minus the last clause) was my exact thought when I read Shanna’s line, there. Not sure if I remembered it from the first run, or if me and Flo (she was the one who wrote the alt texts, right?) are just on the same wavelength.
Lol even the walls at the back are sad at these developments! Look at panel 3 xD I love it.
I got a bit nervous about Aurugu, seeing that he’s apparently touching the ‘zerkers with his bare hands — Sir Groff’s method (and that of anyone else in the frame) seems a lot safer than that.
Frame 1: Put your hands in the air like you don’t care (why is *everyone* in the background holding their arms up?)
Frame 2: This Is Fine.
This is the spot, with the parallel framing of Bedard in panel 2 and Daedalus in panel 4, that led me to believe there was going to be more to the character. I’m still not entirely clear on what the plan or concept was for him.